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Real-Time Delivery
Our Legal Plan Web Leads are delivered in Real-Time, which means you receive the legal lead's information that day, usually within seconds of the request. 95% of our leads are distributed within milliseconds with about 5% held for quality review spot-checks.  We do not store leads for resale, nor do we EVER distribute leads manually.  This means that when a lead comes in, it is immediately sent to the next available buyer in line who can help the prospect in that area.  

Exclusive Leads

Many lead providers will distribute their leads to more than one buyer at once. This forces those working leads into competition with one another while the lead company makes money off of everyone. We are unique among the majority of our competitors in that our leads are sold only once.  We check all new leads the moment they come in against all former leads which we hold on file for at least 30 days. Any lead with a matching email/phone number is marked as a duplicate and is ineligible for sale or distribution.  If you're comparing services, exclusive leads are important to keep in mind when other companies with higher pricing are selling leads to 3 or more buyers.