businessman discusses ways to get better results from his lead generation companies

Lead Generation Companies Can Provide You with Better Results If You Remember Two Simple Things!

There’s so much growth to be gained through online lead generation, and remembering to do two simple things can transform your relationship with your provider.

In our case, our specialty is in providing leads for attorneys, but these two simple things apply to your relationship with all lead generation companies. If they aren’t open to this kind of relationship, you’ll do well to keep searching for one that is.

Behind these two simple things are one big shift in thinking, and to understand it we’ll look at one of the more common issues that come up between buyers and lead generation companies (or in our case, attorneys and our legal lead service).


How You View Returns Can Transform Your Experience with Lead Generation Companies

Having to return a legal lead for an account credit can seem like a negative thing, like returning a defective product. But with legal leads, returns are

  • A productive part of the process of marketing your law firm,
  • And a critical opportunity for optimizing your campaign!

Here’s why.

The systems that drive leads to attorneys are incredibly complex. Online advertising is a living, breathing, organic beast filled with changes in search behavior, bidding escalations, and many other factors.

Returns allow lead generation companies to sleuth out problems in lead quality and keep the system performing at peak efficiency. We source leads through several different channels and partnerships. Returns help us evaluate how well individual channels are performing and make adjustments.

This dialogue is critical. With legal leads, attorneys often think of themselves as consumers who are purchasing leads like products off of a digital shelf, but your experience will transform for the better if you think of the relationship between the attorney and lead provider as a partnership!

Legal lead campaigns get optimized, and ROI increases when there’s a spirit of partnership and a healthy exchange of information.


There are just two simple things you need to do on your end to get better results from lead generation companies.


1) Tell Your Lead Provider What Isn’t Working.

  • The main way you’ll do this is through the returns system. In our case, our Verification/Quality Control Team verifies and researches returns for accuracy and to study patterns and make improvements. Reputable lead generation companies should have a simple, consistent way for you to do this, and it’s critical. Without accurate feedback and specific reasons for returns, it’s nearly impossible for us to know how to help.
  • Or give us a call! Your provider should be open to this and welcome it! Attorneys are often surprised how a few tweaks suggested by our support team can transform a campaign’s results.

2) Tell Your Lead Provider What IS Working!

  • A powerful but far more overlooked tactic is the reporting of success to your lead generation companies! At, you can mark and track success in your account portal or contact us directly.
  • The same diagnostics that help us see what channels are under-performing help us identify the ones that are doing well. If we know what’s working, we can turn up the heat on those tactics and increase your ROI on leads!

Returns are the first step in a conversation that nets the best possible results from your lead generation companies. You’ll find a partnership and dialogue to be a far more rewarding relationship both in your enjoyment of the process and the results you can achieve.


Team of attorneys at law firm having meeting about finding new clients with legal leads

Law firms who need to Find New Clients are facing a big problem.

Potential clients are searching online for an attorney, and it’s increasingly difficult for law firms to stand out in search results.

Here’s how Legal Leads help.

1) We use 20 years of online advertising expertise to make sure potential clients in your region can find your law firm. As they search for an attorney, we route them to you as a Legal Lead.

2) Legal Leads are EXCLUSIVE and delivered in REAL-TIME through the web or LIVE on the phone. This means you can respond to leads right in the moment they reach out for help. It’s the best time to win them as a new client.

You only pay when you receive a lead. You can stop at any time, and you have an excellent customer support team to help you succeed!

CREATE YOUR ACCOUNT at It only takes a moment. Then, we’ll be in touch to help you complete your setup so you can start finding new clients!

4LegalLeads helps attorneys overcome the challenges of online marketing to find new clients for their law firms.